The clocks went back on Sunday and true to form Ken was
left in complete confusion when at 8 o’clock on Monday morning he turned up for
work to no customers. This was a rare event for him at the start of the week,
the men in the surrounding area seem to have a follicle based growth spurt over
most weekends and therefore it is Ken’s busiest day. When Catherine saw him in
the shop so early, looking bemused, she as usual came to his rescue. He looked
genuinely mournful that he had missed out on an hour’s sleep so he bedded down
on her sofa in an attempt to catch up, as a consequence he was late for the
queue that had formed outside the door to the barbers.
It has also been half term and everywhere I have looked
this week adults and children have been carrying pumpkins of various shapes and
sizes. The shops have been full of them, even Harry and Gary had a reasonable
display. I was therefore somewhat bemused by the news story on the BBC that
claimed there was a shortage in pumpkins and suggesting that people use a
turnip instead. I know I am no Alan Titchmarsh but I doubt even he could grow a
turnip big enough to carve, the two are barely worthy of comparison, that’s like
saying we have run out of Huskies to pull the sleigh, let’s use a Yorkshire
Terriers instead – ludicrous.
However, the shortage aside Gary and Harry had decided to
run a pumpkin carving competition, this was open to children with the proviso
that they drew the design and enlisted the help of an adult to carve it. I
strongly disagree with the Halloween festival, it is far too American for me,
but I was impressed with the health and safety aspect of these guidelines
issued by the brothers at the Spar. It was also clear from that statement that
this was a competition for children so Tom could not get in on the act,
although he had been asked to help judge the winning pumpkin.
Jacinta’s three children were very excited about the
prospect of designing a winning pumpkin face and they visited a pick your own
pumpkin farm as a day out during the week. Suzy went along with Molly, who is
just starting to walk, she looked quite sweet in her orange all in one
winter suit with matching wellies, although I was concerned that if she sat
down in the field she could easily be mistaken as a pumpkin.
The two families returned later in the day with a very
flustered looking Jacinta, all of the children had managed to get at least two
pumpkins and Suzy even had a small specimen, I assume for Molly. Jacinta’s son
Manjit however looked very sulky and I could see why. His head was sticking out
of the top of a black bin bag, the rest covering his small frame. He cast
Jacinta an angry looked as he climbed out of the car and scurried into the
house, she rolled her eyes heavenward as if asking for some celestial
The families took their pumpkin entries to the Spar
yesterday, the judging was to commence at 4. Manjit had cheered up immensely,
enough to be bragging to Tom about the mud slide that he had helped to create
at the pumpkin farm. ‘It was brilliant’, he said, ‘I found it by accident, but
once I did loads of other kids joined in. Epic.’ He fell quiet when Jacinta’s
eyes found his, the situation had not been quite so epic for her, especially
when the mothers of the other boys realised that it was her son who had
initiated the make shift adventure.
The judging was short but sweet, the winning entry by a
little girl called Heidi Clam, her family had moved into the neighbouring road
quite recently so her parents were delighted. Prithpal on the other hand was
fuming, he had carefully carved all three pumpkins and was sporting a blister
to prove it. He demanded to know from Tom why his entries had not been chosen.
‘Too good mate’, explained a smug Tom, ‘ You forgot they
were supposed to be made by kids, that Michelangelo bloke could have done those
pumpkins.’ He pointed to the winning entry, as if to make his point, ‘You see that
there? Clearly carved by a Clam!’