Christmas gets closer as each day passes and the shops are
packed to the hilt with tinsel, turkeys and cake. The problem with the shops
stocking all types of goodies is that you end up buying things that at all
other times of year you would not turn a hair at. I don’t even like Christmas
or the wanton waste of money spent on too much food that we won’t eat, and yet
I still found myself buying some vacuum packed chestnuts. I have no idea what
to do with them and they will probably stay in my cupboard until the next
Harvest Festival at Pavers Primary. Enough of my culinary conundrums, there
have been more serious problems in the street, it would appear that Lionel
Blair has a liking for Christmas Trees.

Lionel Blair, you may recall, is the gender confused cat
that Ian and Raphe adopted in October. He has settled down significantly and
they have now found that he will sleep quite easily at night to the soothing
sounds of Enya, a folk artist from the eighties who could put you in a coma
with a couple of trills and sings as though she could be drifting there
Ian and Raphe are delighted and feel he completes the family unit,
making this Christmas one to saviour. This will also be the first Christmas
they will be spending together with no other extended family, Raphe’s mother
having met a toy boy on her coach journey to Bognor in the summer, a Spanish
lad called Pedro who was the very attentive waiter. She is travelling to meet
his family next week; but I digress.
Raphe’s mission was to style his home with the Christmas
spirit throughout, this involved copious amounts of tinsel, greenery sprayed
gold and silver, baubles, glass ornaments and five trees. That’s right, you did
read that correctly, five trees. One for the hall, one for the lounge, one for
outside, a small one for the conservatory and a mini tree to stand beside
Lionel Blair’s food bowl. I do know that they have extended the house a little
at the back and also installed the said conservatory but they are still living
in a Victorian terrace, I can only imagine how cramped it will be.
The decoration took a full weekend, furniture was moved to
fit in the trees, gold and silver paint was sprayed onto sprigs of holly and
conifer bought from the market and lights were unravelled and tested; by Sunday
evening the transformation was complete and displayed on Facebook, Instagram
and Pinterest.
Catherine and Mand had been invited round for a real life
viewing and they discussed it excitedly afterwards before returning to their homes.
The excitement was fuelled by rather a large number of mulled wines, Catherine
was sober enough to express her concerns about the cost of electricity with
that number of lights, even Lionel Blair’s tree was adorned.
On Monday morning Raphe seemed very unhappy, he was ringing
his hands as he spoke to Jacinta and Ken, and looked close to tears.
‘He pulled all of the baubles off of his own tree, then
carried on in the lounge before starting on the one in the hall. I didn’t even
think cats liked chocolate, but he’s eaten all of the hanging ones covered in
silver foil and had started on a net of chocolate coins.’
Jacinta was looking sympathetic but it was clear to see
that Ken was on the verge of laughing.
‘Did you find all this when you woke up today?’ she seemed
genuinely interested.
‘No, that’s the worst of it, Ian is fuming, he woke us up
at two o’clock, howling at the top of his voice, he was stuck half way up the
tree having caught his collar on a branch. I had to clear up, Ian went back to
bed, he hasn’t spoken to me this morning. It’s always the same when Lionel
Blair plays up, suddenly he becomes my cat’.
At this point Raphe burst into tears and Ken burst into
laughter, Jacinta gave one a dig in the ribs whilst putting her arms around the
When she relayed the story to Prithpal that evening they
both agreed that their choice of pet had been a good one, cats may have some
qualities to redeem themselves but you could rely on chickens not to trash your
Christmas trees and provide you with fresh eggs, they couldn’t be more perfect.