Now that the cold weather is starting to engulf us I am
spender longer and longer avoiding television programmes that have placed
unknown celebrities in the jungle. Everyone in the street seems to be a fan and
whenever I bump into someone they want to discuss the antics of a Lady, who
eats unmentionable parts of an animal with a knife and fork whilst wearing
pearls. Harry and Gary, not a pair to miss a marketing idea, have taken the
opportunity to promote their new range of meats which include ostrich steaks,
kangaroo sausages and wildebeest burgers. Taking inspiration from the Lady in
the jungle they are offering a free plastic tiara to those buying more than one
of the exotic items.
Tom could see no profit in the idea. ‘You’re mad investing
in that novelty meat, no one round here will buy it, and you’ve cut down on the
frozen roast dinners, not thinking of your regulars.’
Gary shot Tom a look, he had given up explaining that the
Spar was not there purely to cater to his needs.
Reg was much more impressed, being a keen meat eater he was
willing to try the steaks, sausages and burgers and was delighted to be able to
give Margaret the tiara to wear whilst she was cooking, a move I felt may come
back to haunt him.
For a vegetarian Suzy seem to take an unhealthy interest in
the unusual meat, this may have been encouraged by Garth, who was standing by
the freezer explaining that he had been travelling in his younger days and
eaten a number of less ordinary foods.
‘I’ve eaten wild dog and alligator, both tough but quite
Suzy, who for once had left the baby with Roger was hanging
on his every word.
‘I’ve even eaten an ostrich egg, scrambled it was, kept me
filled up for the whole day’.
The spell surrounding the two was broken when Tom piped up
in response to this boast, ‘That’s rubbish, an ostrich egg is the size of
twenty four hens eggs, two dozen, no one could eat all of that.’
Garth looked angry at being disturbed by Tom, but even more
annoyed that his honesty had been called into question.
‘Look, old man, if I say I ate an ostrich egg, then I did.
Just mind your own business.’
This streak of rudeness was unlike Garth and he reddened as
he noticed that Suzy looked uncomfortable at the exchange; quick to diffuse any
tension in the shop Gary jumped in with an idea to unite the group.
‘I know, why we don’t have a challenge, the egg tuck in
trial. I’ll donate the ingredients and you two can compete, see which one of
you can eat the most scrambled egg, we’ll start with twelve eggs each. The
winner can chose a pack of meat from the jungle range, and a free tiara.’
Tom, as ever willing to get free food agreed immediately
and spurred on by Suzy’s smile Garth also put himself forward. A quick ring
round ensured that the event could be held the next day in the Short and
Curlies, with Gary leading proceedings.
Word spreads like wild fire in this road and the next
lunchtime saw a number of residents gathered for the trial, I went along but
only as an excuse to miss the Saturday Christmas shopping crowds.
The pub smelt distinctly eggy as we waited for the two
platters to be brought forward by a smiling Shirl. Gary had rang his friend at
the local press, ensuring publicity for both the shop and the pub. Suzy had
managed to persuade Roger to take her along for the event, although it was
clear he was less than impressed and Mand, Daphne and Catherine hung around
Garth, making it unclear to an onlooker which of the women partnered him.
At one o’clock, after a short speech by Gary, the pub bell
rang and the two men began to eat. Tom, clearly believing that speed was the
secret to success, shovelled the egg into his mouth, on the other table Garth
took a more measured approach. The eating commenced for five minutes when Tom
began to slow down, Garth continued at a steady pace and was announced the
winner when his opponent downed his fork and rushed to the toilet. He
picked the wildebeest burgers as a prize but also took the plastic tiara which
he quickly unwrapped, with a big grin on his face he stepped over to Suzy and
placed the plastic adornment on her head.

Roger hissed at her to take it off at once, as Daphne swept
out of the pub, followed by a forlorn looking Mand. Garth looked from an angry
faced Roger to the door that had banged shut, the atmosphere was almost cake
like. As everyone started to look down or shuffle, the door of the pub swung
open and in marched a pale looking Reg, ‘I’ve been looking for you’, he shouted
at an alarmed Gary.
‘I’ve been here’, he said, ‘doing the egg tuck in trial.’
‘Trial? I’ll give you trial. Do you know what that meat has
done to my stomach? And as for my Marg, she’s almost lost a stone in weight,
that’s not all, that tiara has taken clumps out of her hair, she’s as bald as a
Garth used this diversion as an excuse to flee, followed by
Roger dragging Suzy by her arm. At this point I was torn, follow them to see
what happened or stay in the pub? The pub won, Reg was going to ring the Sun
and the local reporter was taking pictures, better than any TV jungle.